Dakore Akande "Your Banging Body Won't Keep a Man" Actress Speaks Out

The mum of two also talks about loving her body, wanting bigger boobs and more.

According to her,

"You could have a banging body and a terrible personality. Your banging bods may help you get a man but won’t necessarily keep him. I want to believe that the general driver to look your best is usually for yourself; all other reasons are secondary."

She also spoke on getting her body back in shape after pregnancy.

She said, "I used to be very self-conscious but I’m more accepting of myself and my body in general now that I’m older. I will also add that I have more confidence now, simply because I chose to work on the areas of my body I wasn’t happy about; which is something I would always tell anyone who cares to listen. Do you! Right now, I do very little work these days; it’s all about maintaining it and living my best and healthier life."

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