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Meek Mill Denies Accusations That He And His Thugs Beat Up Drake Ghostwriter Quentin Miller

Meek Mill Denies Accusations That He And His Thugs Beat Up Drake Ghostwriter Quentin Miller

Drake’s “ghostwriter” Quentin Miller has accused Meek Mill and his band of merry Dreamchasin’ men of mollywhoppin’ him at the Nike store in Los Angeles.

TMZ is reporting that Meek Mill, who is currently under the watchful eye of the law on house arrest, denies having any involvement with the assault.

Meek claims that since there is no evidence of him attacking Miller, that the whole story is a lie. Nicki’s bae also believes that Drake put QM up to this stunt since he knows that he can’t properly respond due to his home confinement.

While it seems a little counterintuitive for an up-and-coming rapper to get on camera and lie about getting beat up by another rapper, maybe the “6 God’s” wish is Quentin’s command. Just seems a lil’ unlikely.

Who do you believe in all this mess? Do you think Meek would risk further legal trouble by sending goons to fade ol’ boy?

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