Woman teacher sends '11,000 sex messages to schoolboy age 13

A woman music teacher bought a 13-year-old male pupil a phone in anger then bombarded him with more than 11,000 sex messages, pictures and videos.

Nicole Veneroso, 32, flooded the boy's iPhone with thousands of explicit messages detailing her sordid sexual fantasies.

However, in an attempt to cover her tracks, the 32-year-old would routinely remind him to delete the texts during class at the Delaware school.

She repeatedly told the boy she loved him, but their only physical contact was a kiss, a court heard.

Veneroso was arrested on Wednesday on charges of child sexual abuse, child porn and sending sexually explicit photos of herself to a minor.

"I don't understand my feelings," Veneroso wrote in a text, court documents said.

"This isn't like me and I'm scared. I am careful and guarded. I don't leave myself exposed and vulnerable, but that's what happened.

"I don't understand how you have this effect on me. I have fought and denied. I have pushed down feelings, and it's all been for nothing.

"I want things. I have collapsed. I have fallen ... and I know it will hurt."

The music teacher was suspended from the school in late January after administrators were contacted by the boy's parent, police said.

The teacher is being held in custody at the Baylor Women's Correctional Institution near New Castle.

The school district has not yet commented.

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