Aswani, Bhojsons, Asabatex, UNTL, to name a few,not only made top-quality African fabric, they had thousands of workers in their employ, made enough textile for local consumption, and also earned foreign exchange through exports.
Now with a population of 183 million, Nigerians are wearing African fabric more than before.
Fashion designers and fashionistas are in love with the African print. Even young people who used to love European dresses are now into African textile, tailored to their tastes.
But you know what? The African print is made overseas. Nigerian textile industry is comatose as cheap imports from abroad have effectively killed them.
While foreign textiles may be cheap, our forex reserves are paying for it. Millions of dollars are demanded to import foreign textile every year.
It makes sense to consciously change our taste and manage our foreign reserves Prudently
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